
Greater Washington County Leadership Prayer Breakfast 9-21-2023

The Greater Washington County Leadership Prayer Breakfast was held on Thursday, September 21, 2023 at the Maryland Theatre in the heart of Hagerstown, MD. This event brings together leaders from all walks of life to unite in prayer and seek guidance for our community.

Keynote: Yakabod company founder Scott Ryser grew up going to church every week, but never knew God. When Scott finally gave his life to Jesus in 1995, he knew he was making a decision about his Tuesday, not just his Sunday. Since then, Scott has spent most of his time wrestling with the practical challenges of living out his faith at work every day. At Work as in Heaven is the compelling story of Scott’s decades-long adventure to find this out. What he learned through the ups and downs, defeats and victories, twists and turns, could very well change your company, and your Tuesday too.

This program was brought to you in partnership with CBMC Maryland. As men seek to live lives of significance, CBMC stands ready to share the hope of the Gospel and provide effective tools necessary for spiritual growth. Learn about other CBMC teams and offerings at: md.cbmc.com.


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